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MTW Collaborative Congratulates Scott Turner on His Confirmation as Secretary of HUD

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Moving to Work program was authorized by Congress in 1996 to give select public housing authorities certain regulatory and funding flexibilities they need to develop and share innovative models for providing housing and services for people with low incomes. The MTW Collaborative, comprised of participating agencies across the country, extends congratulations to Scott Turner on his confirmation as Secretary of HUD.


For nearly 30 years the MTW program, often called “America’s Housing Policy Lab,” has enabled public housing authorities to pioneer and scale successful programs and greater efficiencies that improve lives and more effectively address the nation’s housing crisis. We look forward to working with Mr. Turner as we continue our partnership with HUD in this effort.


Our Roots

Moving to Work (MTW) was created in 1996 as a demonstration program for public housing agencies (PHAs). MTW provides PHAs the opportunity to design and test innovative, flexible, local strategies to improve outcomes for their residents and address the affordable housing needs of their communities. 

The MTW Collaborative is a non-profit membership organization that advocates on behalf of MTW communities, educates on MTW issues, and works to broaden the MTW program. 


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"Moving to Work is America's housing policy innovation lab."


Get in touch to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.

455 Massachusetts Avenue NW
Suite 425
Washington DC 20001


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